Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Perfect dinner rolls!

My go-to, favorite recipe for rolls has to rise overnight, so I don't make them very often.I was in a hurry the other day, so I made these delicious alternatives, which only take 2 hours of total rising time and are equally as light and fluffy!

Ingredients: 1/2 cup warm water
 1/2 cup warm milk
1 Tbs. (1 pkg) active dry yeast
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg
1/3 cup butter,softened
1 teaspoon salt
3 3/4 cups flour

Directions:In a small bowl, mix the water and milk and microwave for about 45 seconds, or until warm. Add the yeast and set aside for 10 min. (This is called "proofing" the yeast).Add sugar to the yeast mixture.  In a large bowl, combine the flour and salt. Add the yeast mixture, egg and butter and beat until combined.Pour dough onto floured counter top and knead for about 10 minutes; until smooth and elastic.Place dough in large, greased bowl and cover bowl with a dry towel. Let sit in warm place for 1 hour.
* * *
After the first rising, divide the dough in half and place on a floured counter top. Roll each peice of dough into a 12 inch circle. Cut the dough like a pizza, into 8 "pizza" slices.Roll each slice starting at the "crust" end (the wide end) rolling all the way over the tip. Roll gently, but tightly.Place point side down on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Cover with a dry towel and put in a warm place, let rise 1 hour.Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. After the second rising, bake the rolls for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown.

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